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As a baby we relied on our family even our community to protect and provide for us so that we can grow to the stage we are now. Similarly, when you first learn about God we're an infant in our spiritual walk and also need someone's help to grow, develop and even to protect us from spiritual threats that we don't even know about.

JcS Clubs recognizes the need for people to work together for growth in knowledge and faith in Jesus Christ to occur, and it can't only be done by a Pastor. We believe that each follower of Jesus has their own role to play in helping those young in their spiritual walk to learn and grow. We also believe that believers may need help to succeed in this task. The JcS Discipleship book series is geared at empowering teachers to teach those from eight(8) years old and over the fundamentals of Christianity and answer biblical questions which may hinder their Christian walk. It is set up to strategically mentor persons so that they would eventually be able to grow strong enough to teach others. 


Yes, we're talking about multiplying disciples. How can they believe unless they have heard, how can they hear unless some preaches, how can they preach...unless someone is sent. The harvest is great, but the laborer's are few, now the only question is, are you willing to say, "Here I am, Lord. Send me"?

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