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  • Writer's picturejeanchasesealy

SPOONS CUSTOMS BROKERS - Customs services made easy

TQS: Who would you say could benefit from your services?

Spoons Customs Brokers:

Anyone who has an interest in importing merchandise...legally of course. Some examples of these are - Auto dealers, hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, electronic dealers and of course families who have an eye for cutting costs, just to name a few.

TQS: Why would Spoons Customs Brokers be Barbadians’ first choice for customs work?

Spoons Customs Brokers:

We make the process of importing easier by talking with our customers. We will let you know the rules and regulations of the Customs Department and the Ports Of Entry. Also we advise on how to utilize the services of the Local Shipping Agencies. We want our customers to have the best experience possible.

TQS: Would you say using a good customs broker is important?

Spoons Customs Brokers:

Well yes, in 2020 for example, we had a customer who was soon ready to deliver her newborn, who ordered some cargo online. The cargo arrived and she was having issues with getting the goods cleared from the shipping agent. She didn’t know she had to utilize the services of a custom broker to receive her goods; and the process was getting frustrating for her as she was approaching her due date. She was getting a lot of run-around and was advised to contact Spoons Customs Brokers. When she did, we tried our best to accommodate her as we were freshly dealing with COVID-19. We eventually got the goods for her on permission from the supervisor of the customs Department just before the arrival of her newborn.

Sometimes clearing goods can be a bit challenging, having someone who knows the ropes can really help.

TQS: Are there any words you want to leave with potential customers reading this?

Spoons Customs Brokers:

If you are bringing goods into Barbados, give us a call at 246-436-6099 and let us see how we can help make your experience stress free. Our goal is to make sure our customers always leave us with a smile along with their cargo.

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